I can hardly remember a day in my life when our beautiful son Levi was never near and dear to my heart and never far from my mind.  His very presence in our lives inspires us to do more to protect, guide and shape his mind by adding values which would sustain him throughout all the stages of his life.  

As Levi’s parents, we both work to provide for him in the best way we can, yet, to leave him every morning to go off to work is bitter sweet.  Sometimes, in interacting with him, he appears to be a child with a mind beyond his age…we allow him a measure of space to explore the world around him, so that he learns to trust us and what we speak to him, we know that he has an understanding of some  of it, as he responds with a “melodious” okay, as though his little head truly understands our words, like, “we will be back soon son, we love you”.  

Taking time to encourage and build trust is part of the emotional tug-of war he feels, but, being truthful in what we do and say to him is significant towards him building a natural trust in us, as well as having consistency in the things we do and say is considerably important, so that he can truly identify and build confidence both in himself and in us as his parents ... because it helps him to discover a sense of  “safety” in understanding that what mom and dad says to him is right.

The return on imparting beautiful things to him as time unfolds, is greeted by amazing screams of elevated joy, from time to time, at seeing us after a long day, with lots of hugs and kisses as he looks so lovingly at us while recounting his day for us.  
What is so amazing is, this beautiful 35-month-old toddler still remembers and feel so much emotions for his uncle and aunt who now lives abroad, as he really misses them and on occasions speak his language of love about them in remembering their shared moments together.

As a toddler, while mom and dad may be the most important persons in his life, he has so many other beautiful persons sharing in his life which makes his day so very interesting, like spending time with his grandmas and granddads, his aunties and uncles and his many cousins and all the other wonderful people who fills every moment of his days.


  1. Yes that really is the best. When you get all those sweet kisses an I miss you's. An they embrace you in their tiny arms.


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