Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Question: Is it hard to dress him in the mornings?Answer: Sometimes, when he is a good mood, otherwise, a little patience and kindness works all the time.
Question: Can he dress himself?
Answer: Not at this time.
Question: What is your tip for taking your toddler to a restaurant?
Answer: Firstly, plan not to have a three course meal. Secondly, we normally bring along one of his favorite toy, in addition to which, restaurants provides distractions for little kids through coloring books and crayons. Additionally, the phone also helps to keep him occupied for a while.
Question: Does he eat all his dinner that is ordered?
Answer: No. Just sufficient to make him comfortable.
Question: How is your toddler doing at pre-school?
Answer:He is doing better every day, at first it was very challenging for both of us, now he has made lots of friends, he calls his brothers and sisters. Sometimes, its still hard for him to actually go, but once he is at pre-school he gets over his fears, and his teachers are really nice to all the kids.
Question: What does your toddler do at pre-school?
Answer: Plays, stacks building blocks, puts colors on a coloring book, sings, learns shapes, learns colors,learns days of the week and months, learns how to count, learns some very basic karate exercises, learns to socialize with kids his age, eats, naps.
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