Shaping my next generation

As a new mom, I worried whether I'd get it right.  At 34-months my toddler has reached a mile-stone in his language skills which is one of the most important part of his learning skills in this development period in helping him understand, build and recognize words for him to progress to sentence conversations.  Levi has developed skills which allows him to love art, scribble, understand pictures and converse about them, even play read and yes, enjoy an extreme love for computers.


  1. Pass him over here, we will paint together during vacation time!

  2. Communication is a key tool for shaping a bright future !

  3. They all love the computer. A generation of techs. But I see he has play doh that helps their imagination so much.

  4. This is a very brilliant child.very serious in every thing he do.very loving and happy.when he speak you ask yourself if he was already here in the world before he speak with courage and intelligent.iam proud to be his aunty.very special you levi

  5. Knowing levi from birth being with me at my home. I knew from from the very beginning he'll be blessed. Within my spirit which comes from the EternalFather.💖 I knew he was a gift for my sister and her husband. Something so spiritual and peaceful came into this world and made many happy.From his grooming from his mother lydia he'll become something which the Lord would accept in his honour as Christ. Jesus.for he is blessed with lots of love never ending.May the Lord be with his always for he's a miracle child.he a bit naughty but that's ok.may God The EternalFather.💖 be with him always.I will always love you Levi peace be with you and your parents who loves you dearly now and forever.


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