Coming Soon - A Toddler 3!

Soon my terrific toddler-two will be a toddler-three.  I've heard of many conversations of expected changes for the year ahead, of which is it said that its a year of the "finer things" to come - "finer things"...I wonder!

Levi's milestone motor-skills development has been good, as he can go up and down the stairs which stops my breath sometimes, as he goes up so quickly; he can color, rarely "within" the lines, he can ride his tricycle; he can communicate among his peers nicely; he can feel moments of compassion for others; he can brush his teeth by himself, eat most of his meals by himself (with a little direction at times) and brush his hair. Levi can make a funny attempt at blowing bubbles.  He can also respond to his pediatrician by saying "Hello" and "I am fine", when asked, how are you? and yes ...he can sit still for his pediatrician when it’s time for his check-up ...well, most of it anyway. 
For many reason, dad and I are happy that he was given an early experience at pre-school, as he has had to manage the emotional roller coaster being all by himself, without the comfort of his mom, dad or grandma at his side, it’s just not the same, even though we try to prepare him way in advance for situations.  As his parents, adjusting to feelings of fear and anxiety of the unknown took time (a Jurassic Park adventure), but thankfully his teachers are really caring and attentive to all the kids.  It was also very helpful and encouraging for dad and I, that his grandma knew a few of the parents at the pre-school, prior to his attendance, so that their responses were very welcomed and reassuring.

It's amazing, the many milestones he has covered - he can talk our ears off and has an interesting side to the world of imaginative play, as well being quite a story teller, and oh, he can really sing a nice tune out loud. Levi can pronounce words and make sentences, and he loves to ask, “why?” to which we have the pleasure of responding an answer, continually with lots of endurance, until he stops saying, huh?  Sharing his ice cream and favorite snack with mom is not as easy, as he would rather ask daddy to get some for me. He knows lots of colors and can count from 1-16, when he wants to.  He can call the names of many sea animals (he especially loves the blue whale, orcas and sharks) and land animals, as well as some different types of vehicle equipment, like cement trucks, garbage trucks and excavators and so forth.  He gets some of the tenses wrong, from expressing them in the past tense, instead of the present tense, but that too, like many things will soon fade away to bring new discoveries.


  1. Nice recap.. can't wait for Toddler -Three!

  2. Yep, I also await the unfolding of the next chapter in his life.

  3. Its the I can do it myself stage. Settling down somewhat stage.
    Im following cant wait to hear your adventures.


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